Understanding the Mind-Body connection
What are Emotions?
The origin and meaning comes from two Latin words:
ex "out" and movere "to move."
Hence, Emovere or Emotion means Energy in Motion within us, and that which moves, or has external movement out of us. (https://www.etymonline.com/word/emotion)
Negative Emotions are Toxic, while Positive ones Tonify!
Neuropep... What?
When negative molecules of emotions, called neuropeptides, accumulate in our bodies, they slowly begin to congest our organs.
These unresolved negative emotions also influence Comfort Eating.
Over time, these neuropeptides prevent proper nutrient delivery and waste removal from our organs.
Hence, note the wisdom of this fundamental fact, our Creator reveals about our nature:
'A Calm Heart is Life or Health to our Body'
Thus, isn't it wise to address both our physical and emotional health?
Did you know...
Neuropeptides produced by negative emotions, have an affinity for certain organs?
Grief weakens the Lungs
Rage overtime affects the Heart
Stress weakens the Heart and Brain
And Anger weakens the Liver and Gallbladder
So, what can Emotion Coaching do for you?

If you are suffering from:
Injuries from an Accident
A Traumatic Birth
Respiratory Issues
Headaches, Migraines
Alzheimer's, ADD/ADHD
Anxiety and/or Depression
Repetitive Negative Thinking
This non-invasive tool, gently scans and releases emotional blockages and imbalances in your body.
You will feel lighter and happier after each appointment!